Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hoping always in His Word

I love reading in Psalm 119 chapter tonight about trusting in God's Word, learning to still trust Him even in times of trouble , learning to seek Him even while you're in what you're in, He's in that place always with you even when it's hard to feel Him, Jesus is holding you up when you feel down or discouraged, He's bringing His Promises to you all along the way and showing you His beauty in that place, He wants you to keep seeking His face and trusting in Him and taking His hand all the way through that valley or storm, He's teaching you and showing you how to love. 

We always have His Hope His Word to hold onto and ever seeking His Word, His promises are always there just keep on going 

Philippians 3:13 (KJV) 

God promises to never leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) and He hasn't, Jesus has been there with you in that storm and He's heard your cry just like we can come to Him with our prayers (Philippians  4:1-8) 

He always does have beauty :) 
It's beautiful getting to trust in Jesus when the storms are rising and even the lies of the enemy come, cos we always do get to see Him in each one even though it may be hard at times to get through but He's still bringing you all the way through and loves you, don't give up but give it all up to Him He knows and understands the place you're in and wants to help you up again just like He helped Peter when he stepped out of the boat in faith but then slipped when he looked around him and not on Jesus but when he cried Jesus was still right there and helping him with his faith to rise up again with Him. I don't know what chapter that's in at the moment that story came to me along with this :). No matter what remember He's in that place with you, you can keep coming to Him and praying to Him always He hears your cries, don't believe the lies of the enemy, God loves you, you are His Child and He has so much more in store for you, keep pressing through, keep holding onto Jesus's hand, if you fall down on your knees feeling like there's not enough strength to keep going just look up look at Calvary where Jesus died for you (Philippians 4:13) He Alone is your Strength your very present help in time of trouble just like the story of David and Goliath, God was with David in defeating Goliath and He'll always be with you too, so keep stepping out on the water in faith , look up to Him and if you fall down still look back up to Him. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Believing for God's Promise for you in the midst of waiting

Reading in Abraham tonight and that's what this blog is about tonight and about the promise God gave them

They had to wait though for that promise and sometimes waiting can be hard and we wonder if it's ever gonna happen but God has a great plan for all that you will face or go through and in seeing that promise fulfilled along the way just keep trusting in Jesus and seeking Him about it, He knows about that promise still He hasn't forgotten you. Just like you can Come to Him and lay all your burdens down at His feet (Matthew 11:28). 

He sees us even our weakness and failures but still uses then so beautifully, God understands just like He understood Sarah when she laughed and then denied she did before Him but He knew her right then and there and yet gently loved her, 

I like that verse right there Is anything too hard for God? :) you don't have to worry or be afraid, I face worry alot and being afraid but then He lets me know not to be and it's going to be okay :) I'm glad He doesn't leave us in our weakness but our Heavenly Father understands and makes everything always beautiful just like He did for Sarah and Abraham, when she bore Issac (Genesis 21:6-8) but even in the midst they took some wrong turns like with Sarah and Hagar, 

They didnt understand at the time, that God still had a plan and that promise was still birthed inside but even in the midst of the wrong turn, God still did not let them go and He loved them and taught them through this, just as He's teaching us in our waiting even when we get discouraged and frustrated but don't worry keep taking Jesus's hand He understands every tear you've cried, keep that faith stirred in God and His Presence and looking ever to the Cross and what Jesus did for you, He still always loves you and won't let you go, don't believe the lies of the enemy, it's not over. God still has that Promise He promised you long ago , keep running this race :) just look all around you and look at how far you have come and Jesus will take you always. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Beautiful Gate Choose to follow Jesus

Acts chapter 3:1-6 

He has something beautiful even for what you're going through, He still hears & answers your prayers (according to His Will) 

Matthew 4:19-23 ,
4:23 (KJV) - And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease among the people. 

We got to get the Gospel out to every creature, every person. Everyone God loves so much, Jesus is our Only Hope 
(John 14:6) 

Matthew 4:17
Matthew 4:17-19 (KJV) 
And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. 
4:20 - And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him. 

Leave everything you once knew to follow Jesus, He gave it all on the Cross, He died for our sins, Jesus is our Only Salvation (Romans 10:9). When you give your heart and life to Jesus you become a new Creation (2nd Corinthians 5:17) 

God has a beautiful plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11) even after we get saved you'll still face things and storms along the journey but we have God's Promises & His Promise too that Jesus is returning (the Rapture) knowing that these trials will soon be over but until then keep living for Him. 

It's important to get saved, hell is real but Jesus came and died for you He gave it all for you at Calvary, God loves you He wants you to come home to Him, God wants to save you, and have a beautiful relationship with you 

Below is a pic of Song of Solomon chapter 2:8 

Everyday is so beautiful with Him even when the storms do come He always comes through even if it's not right away but He'll always be there and know God loves you please choose to repent of your sins and come back into the arms that saved you at Calvary He loves you and is calling you Home. 

Today is the day of Salvation :) ask Jesus into your heart and repent, and know He wants a relationship with you 

No matter what place you're in Jesus is there and God loves you, surrender your life everything to the King Our beautiful Savior, let Him wrap His arms around you , you don't have to be afraid anymore even in your weakness He loves you 
And wants to help you :) 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Waiting on God in the midst

I decided to also take a pic of my kari jobe cd cos the pic of her looked perfect for the title of waiting :) 

I believe The Lord has been teaching me on waiting on Him, and instead of always waiting for someone to like something on Facebook learn to wait on Him, rest in the arms of Jesus. 
I love being on Facebook but I want more of Him more of His Presence, I hope this blog encourages someone and don't let anything define you but God :) 

Reading in Job now some and seeing how beautifully God is speaking to him and how He's reminding Job who did everything and He's still in control of your situation and loves you, remember what Job faced by losing his children and everything but in the end God gave him so much more, God does have a plan for what you're all going through and Jesus loves you, keep taking His hand through this storm, trial He'll see you through, I've faced some where the enemy tries to say its over but God's still got something behind this storm :) 

God is beautiful in all He does even when we don't understand all He does at the moment but remember Jesus is there, just like when the Disciples were in the boat and a storm rose, Peter saw Jesus walking on the water, and Peter went out to Him in faith, but when he looked at the storm and then his faith slipped but he cried out to The Lord, and Jesus came. No matter where you are if you'll let Him Jesus will lift you back up again and turn that storm into something beautiful :) Im trying to think where that chapter is located now the story just came to me now :) if I find it later ill post it here. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

God is faithful He's always there

I'm seeing everyday God's beauty and His faithfulness. No matter what He is there in everything. 

His faithfulness coming through even the darkest of night 

I love how this tree is really blooming now, it looks beautiful :) that's God's faithfulness, everything is beginning to bloom now, we're still getting some cold fronts coming through but no matter the season God is there. 

Just always look up from the place you're in and you'll see Him there , keep asking, seeking and knocking and the door will be opened, 

Matthew chapter 7,

God sees right where you are and loves you so much, keep taking Jesus's hand through each storm, He'll always lead and guide and teach you :) 

His promises are true, one day Jesus is coming back again but until then keep going on this journey with Him everyday :) He'll always show you the way down each road and always choose to forgive if you need to, 

Forgiveness is so beautiful too in letting everything go and let The Lord make it beautiful again :) He loves you. 

Below pic I was having fun taking pics by our seashells then I had my mom help me take some by them :) 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Trusting in Jesus

My mom had to take me to the doctor this week, cos I've been having trouble breathing, and come to find out I'm conjested, and it's cos of my back, I have scoliosis, the doctor had me breathe through this thing and I only went to like 100 or 110 in my breathing and she said that's not good. 

I've been scared at times through this when it's hard to breathe but then He shows me not to worry. I'm trusting Him through this time, He's always been there with us all, He's never left our side and He won't leave yours. 

I like that verse 26, the Spirit intercedes for us when we don't know what to pray for :) when we're praying and yet are not sure at times, the Spirit then comes always so beautifully, God always knows what we need at the right time, He got it :). 

Romans 8:28 I love this scripture, God has all things under control, even when we don't see the beauty in this road, it's like we ask Him , God what are You doing? Or at times it's hard to feel Him there but He's there and He's holding you each step through :) God knows what we need each step through this valley or even when the storm is calm. 

I am afraid some right now I admit but Im gonna let go of that worry let it fall into the sea as much as I can, and trust in The Lord 

It's okay to admit how we feel at times, God understands our tears, but let them go and let Him take control He has so much in store :) and know this always He loves you, you got a Heavenly Father who loves and cares about you, you can always cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you and understands all you will face :) 

These are pics of the sun I got this evening, I knew it was God reminding us that He's with us 

Below a pic of my hello kitty my mom bought me and my bible :) 

God is Love :)

I've been reading in Romans Chapter 12 this week so far, this chapter has been on my heart lately and I believe God is teaching me about relationships, and how important they are, and always love :) 

The Scripture, "We love because He first loved us." :), that's great love. The love God gave for us on the Cross, His Son Jesus Christ, and for us to love others in return with the love He's freely given us, He paid a High Price for our sin, which should've been ours, but He took it, a Love wow His love :).

Lets deny ourselves daily and take up our Cross and follow Him, and go where He sends us, and follow Him where He leads us, even through the storms of life that come, but never let your love go down, and just like God's Word says, Don't let the sun go down in your anger. Give everything to Him, He already knows, and loves you where you are, but doesn't want you to stay there, He wants to help you and heal you, so you can go help and heal others :). 

Friday, March 14, 2014

You're my Strength Lord

Just like that song Leaning on the everlasting arms, without Him we can't make it, I need Him every hour, God's World is Love :) and His Love holds us together. 

I'm thankful He came to Earth to save us,  by dying on the Cross for us to give us Eternal Life, we can lay everything down at the Cross, He carries us, He knows us even our flaws and loves us, just like that song How He loves us, I love that song and the part where they sing, 
I don't have to maintain these regrets :). 

I was reading again in Zechariah, and the scriptures about the two olive trees spoke to me, no matter what on either side He is there, His arms are around you , in the Bible it says He preparest a table before mine enemies. Jesus is our Strength, I've heard brother Gabriel Swaggart say before, It's either caused by God to happen or allowed by God to happen. He sees our tears even when no one else does. Just like Job again, everything he went through yet he said though he slay me yet I will trust Him :) 

Jesus is our Strength, we can't do it on our own, we need Him :) He is there trust in Him, 

These scriptures verses 22 and 23 in the picture above, God hears your prayers and loves you and He hears you in the night too, when u can't see or always understand the valley ur in He does, keep holding to Jesus, 

About the two olive trees again, Jesus is our Strength on both and on every side, He understands we can hold onto His hand, reach out for Him in your storm, don't stay stuck in the lies of the enemy, keep reaching out for Jesus, He is there and will come to your rescue :) 

Remember He loves you always. 

I like this scripture below Matthew 1:4, we always have His Word, and just like when Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days and 40 nights, God understands where you are and He loves you.