I love reading in Psalm 119 chapter tonight about trusting in God's Word, learning to still trust Him even in times of trouble , learning to seek Him even while you're in what you're in, He's in that place always with you even when it's hard to feel Him, Jesus is holding you up when you feel down or discouraged, He's bringing His Promises to you all along the way and showing you His beauty in that place, He wants you to keep seeking His face and trusting in Him and taking His hand all the way through that valley or storm, He's teaching you and showing you how to love.
We always have His Hope His Word to hold onto and ever seeking His Word, His promises are always there just keep on going
Philippians 3:13 (KJV)
God promises to never leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) and He hasn't, Jesus has been there with you in that storm and He's heard your cry just like we can come to Him with our prayers (Philippians 4:1-8)
He always does have beauty :)
It's beautiful getting to trust in Jesus when the storms are rising and even the lies of the enemy come, cos we always do get to see Him in each one even though it may be hard at times to get through but He's still bringing you all the way through and loves you, don't give up but give it all up to Him He knows and understands the place you're in and wants to help you up again just like He helped Peter when he stepped out of the boat in faith but then slipped when he looked around him and not on Jesus but when he cried Jesus was still right there and helping him with his faith to rise up again with Him. I don't know what chapter that's in at the moment that story came to me along with this :). No matter what remember He's in that place with you, you can keep coming to Him and praying to Him always He hears your cries, don't believe the lies of the enemy, God loves you, you are His Child and He has so much more in store for you, keep pressing through, keep holding onto Jesus's hand, if you fall down on your knees feeling like there's not enough strength to keep going just look up look at Calvary where Jesus died for you (Philippians 4:13) He Alone is your Strength your very present help in time of trouble just like the story of David and Goliath, God was with David in defeating Goliath and He'll always be with you too, so keep stepping out on the water in faith , look up to Him and if you fall down still look back up to Him.