I had fun today taking different pictures when we went to the next town and God was starting to show me beautiful things about it as I was taking them and after taking them,
God is always doing something beautiful, the roads are always changing but God is working everything out for our good (Romans 8:28,29) We just need to keep seeking and trusting in Him always and what He promised us will come to pass. On the most lonely roads you may find yourself in at times but Jesus is there and you can keep going, you can still hold onto that nailed scarred hand (John 3:16) always keep believing in what Jesus did for you at Calvary no matter what the devil may say and keep always loving and forgiving everyone , just remember everyone needs Jesus :). The scripture for we walk by faith not by sight and then Luke chapter 4, of Jesus in the wilderness. Jeremiah 29:11, and threes dry bones can live again , Ezekiel chapter 37, or 47 I think. Know that you can make it through the vallies and storms that come, just keep on taking His hand and He'll help you to tear down those walls just like when He was with Joshua in tearing down the walls of Jericho, when it looks impossible to go through, thinking I can't do this Lord! He hears your cry, and sees every tear you cry. Just remember His Promises from before and the beautiful things He's done already and is doing still even when you can't see it happening, He'll help you to see His beauty always in the midst, just keep believing and fighting the good fight of faith. Saturday, April 26, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
He Alone is our Strength
Isaiah 40:30-31
Tonight I've just been feeling tired, and just down but I know God is still there and He's the reason I keep going forward, He is our Strength. Listening to Chris Tomlin tonight first the song "I lift my hands" I felt God bringing that Hope up again in me then on the song "Lay me down" by Chris Tomlin, I felt joy begin to rise up, it's not always easy along the journey but we can rest assured knowing that flame of Him that's in us will never go out even when the enemy is throwing darts at us and we're on the battlefield, if we won't give up God will never give up. God will always bring something beautiful out of it that we go through at times even when we don't understand at first.
As I was looking for the Isaiah chapter I came across Psalms and was reading some in Psalm 56 and 55 chapters, God is always there and no matter what we go through or face, He wants us to take His hand and keep trusting in Him. He'll bring us through this valley even when we do get tired and weary at times , He won't leave us ever :), we can hold to that promise in Hebrews 13:5, and Hebrews chapter 11 is a good chapter to read about faith :)
1st Peter 5:7
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Victory in the battle :)
No matter what you're battling up against right now, you can and will have victory, by always keeping your faith in Christ and what He did for you at the Cross, don't believe the lies of the enemy, God is still there with you He sees every tear you cry, every fear you hold inside but He wants you to let it all go, it's okay He knows it already :) He loves you and wants to bring beauty out of these ashes you've been holding onto secretly. So much more He has yet in store for you just keep going forward on this journey even when you are in the battlefield, hold onto that nailed scarred hand, the Hand that won't ever let you go, just like Peter he stepped out in faith on the water towards Jesus but then looked on the storm around him and began to sink, but then cried out and The Lord came to rescue him, God wants you to believe , believe when it's the hardest to stand, The Father understands everything you'll ever face or go through and He's helping you through even when you think you're not getting through, He loves you and don't believe the lies of the enemy. Tonight we were watching Gabriel Swaggart on Jimmy Swaggarts channel and his message was on Joshya 1:1-5. And then The Lord brought me to Joshua 10:15-21, 10:28, 11:1.
Friday, April 18, 2014
You are His beloved
You are always His beautiful beloved no matter what the devil may say, Jesus paid the High Price already for you, everything has already been paid for, everything you'll ever need has already been paid for.
When you're in that valley or storm, and the enemy keeps coming at you on every side, keep looking up to Jesus He is there, God has promised never to leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) you may not understand everything you always go through but He does, He is your Heavenly Father who cares for you, remember the devil's a liar.
I've gone through some vallies and storms where I've had to trust in Him to bring me through and He has, although it hasn't always been easy, with the lies of the enemy that come, and I've had times where it's hard to feel God is there but He is there :) just when we feel hopeless, He brings that spark of hope again, that's just the lies of the enemy telling you it's over but God's not finished with you (Philippians 1:6) (Romans 8:28,29)
And look at Job, what he went through and how God worked through that and through him.
You don't have to worry anymore, even in the midst you can lay down your heaviness, let Jesus take it from you, yes even though you're still in the valley, let go of those burdens, trust in Him, it's okay, forgetting those things which are behind you and pressing on :) I think that scripture is in the Philippians chapter, I believe :) just know you will make it even though you may still be in a valley or storm, God is holding you in the palm of His hand He understands every tear that you've cried, rest in His arms
Hear the sweet voice of Jesus come, whisper to you right where you are He's never far away, God has been right there so just trust in Him, lay back in His arms His Promises, and see Him bring that Promise to pass :) no matter how long it takes just like Sarah and Abraham had to wait for Issacc.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
The beauty of forgiveness
Learning how to forgive, to let it all go to The Lord, laying it all down at His feet and trusting in Him
I'm learning to forgive too, and praying that God would show me how beautiful forgiveness is and He already is, I watched BJ Vavasseur's video tonight on forgiveness is not a feeling, it's on youtube :) and ever since then I know The Lord has been showing me about forgiveness and how beautiful it is.
Sometimes the journey gets hard and things or situations arise and we don't always understand but God does, and His promises are still so true, He loves you, don't stay stuck in that place of unforgiveness but choose to let go and let God and remember He loves the other person the same as He loves you (John 3:16)
God's love is so beautiful, share His love with everyone and everyone always needs reaching out to and the Gospel shared with them
So choose to forgive, God is helping me to forgive and I forgive everyone, I want to forgive, I pray I can still see more on the beauty of forgiveness and letting go and I pray this encourages you :)
Sunday, April 13, 2014
The Lord is always there
After stopping abit and then I came wondering about what He was speaking, and I believe it's this that He's breaking off things that no longer need to be there and He's delivering us in things were battling with or struggling with, we can lay down all of our burdens at His feet, it's okay The Father understands :) He's breaking so much whatever you're dealing with, and breaking unforgiveness too, just lay everything down at His feet, remember how Jesus loves everyone and died for everyone (John 3:16) preaching the Gospel to every creature :)
God loves you, no matter what the enemy says, God is making everything beautiful (Romans 8:28,29) Trust in Jesus
Just like Peter, he started out in faith getting out of the boat and stepping out on the water towards Jesus, that's the key word right there ' towards Jesus ' ,
You might fall down but He's still right there and even if you don't feel like you feel Him there right then keep getting back up and remembering His Promises, go to God's Word.
Keep believing, holding tight to the faith of Christ and Him Crucified.
No matter what Jesus wants us to believe in Him, believe that He is, and just like scripture says He's the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. But always seek The Lord for who He is, God is so good :)! Keep reaching out to Jesus even when you don't see His hand yet He's still always holding you and teaching you in that storm, you always have God's Promises and by placing your faith in Christ and Him Crucified, don't believe the lies of the enemy. God is still there with you and has such beauty in store. Keep praying and seeking everyday, The Lord is always your Strength. You can lay down your burdens at His feet, at the Cross.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
The Lord is your Strength
The Lord is always our Strength, even when we think we can't go on or go through this valley or storm yet He reminds us we can :) we have His Promises to always hold onto, the devil is a liar. If we just look up and know He's there Jesus is right there with you, He's helping you along the journey to see, seek and trust Him forever.
You get tired and weak along the journey and looking around as if in an empty field but then just ahead between the trees you see a river as you get closer you can hear the water rushing and hope begin to come up in you again, the same as we get along the journey, I like that scripture in Job 14:7 about the tree will sprout again if it's been cut down :)
Even if it's in the night Jesus is still there with you and that Hope is still there, as you wait in the midst keep holding on to His hand His promises even if you haven't heard from Him or felt Him move in you or around you, just be still and wait for Him just like Sarah and Abraham had to wait so long for Issacc, they messed up along the way and did it on their own but God still had that promise in place for them, don't believe the lies of the enemy, God still has you in the palm of His hands, He understands the tears you cry and sees everyone even when no one else does :).
Just reach up and out to Him by faith no matter how much you have to keep believing for what God has promised you and know He loves you and has good things for those who will believe.
When it looks impossible like you think I can't make it anymore here He comes to your rescue always as He has before, just remember what He's done in you and your life already and knowing that when everything seems at a stand still God is still standing with you just keep believing and praying and seeking Him, seeking Him for who He is and praising God for who He is always, always thanking Him :)
I'm still learning everything along the journey too and God is showing me little by little He's still there even when I can't feel Him, my hearts crying out for Him for Jesus in that valley or storm and when the lies of the enemy seem too much but then He's been there all along I just had and need to trust in Him and keep seeking His face in the midst :) He'll always come through :) remember also David and Goliath, Goliath was a giant, so when something seems or feels like a giant try not to worry, God is still showing me alot I don't need to worry so much, I do alot I admit but then He still reminds me :) He keeps leading me along the way and remember He loves you no matter where you may be just come as you are to Him it's ok to admit your failures He still loves you the same, He knows you inside and out :) hold on always to your faith in Christ and what He did for you at the Cross, know He loves you so much and He's still changing you from glory to glory :)
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