Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hard to feel You , but trusting in You Jesus

Loved watching the lightning last night through my window, and now loving this cooler weather. It's not always easy though going through, the lies of the enemy coming at you every which way, and you crying out to The Lord but it seems He's far away at times but He's been there all along , holding you, even in those dark moments He's still been right there, don't give up the morning will soon come, and you'll soon have joy instead of mourning (Isaiah 61:7) 

Always have that childlike faith, 
(Matthew 18:2-14) coming to Jesus humbly at His feet (1st Peter 5:6,7) lay everything down at the Cross, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, resentment , lay it all down, it's okay God knows your heart and He loves you :), He still has such a beautiful plan. 

Keep walking with Him even when you're not sure, He understands :) just take His hand, and even when it's hard to feel Him at times, it is hard for me to feel Him at times and sometimes I feel all alone and like nobody cares but those are the lies the enemy, keep remembering His Truth , His Promises in His Word (Hebrews 13:5, Psalm 23 chapter) and also look at the book of Job, and Joseph in Genesis 40 chapter, and the book of Ruth, and remember Jesus too, and the Cross He took for you, that Love He has for you and He loves you unconditionally :D (John 3:16)

Don't worry, don't fear, He's there even when you feel all alone, and you'll soon begin to see He's always been there and will always be, and you'll begin to feel His Presence again but He's always been right there even when it's a struggle to feel Him 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Keep praying, seeking Him, there's always Hope

Psalms 23 chapter 

No matter where you might be God is there, and just like He was with Jonah when he tried running from The Lord, but God called him still to Nineveh. 

Keep going through this valley, even when it's dark , and hard to see, Jesus is there with you all the way through. When you're walking through and you feel like you can't go on but then there's that Hope, there's always Jesus, look to the Cross, keep looking to Calvary. God, your Father has heard your cry even when it's hardest to stand, even when you don't understand still trust in Him, keep seeking Him. Just like the song " Take me through this valley" by Martha Borg and Nancy Harmon also sings it, check it out on youtube :) don't give up even when you're fallen down on your knees, asking Why Lord? Trust in Him , you'll soon see everything come together. 

1st Peter 4:12

You're not alone in this struggle, situation, God is there with you, and the sun will rise again. 

1st Peter 5:6,7

Casting all your cares upon Him; for He cares for you (1st Peter 5:7) 

Sometimes it seems hard to let go, to lay it all down at His feet , to step out on the water in faith like Peter did but then he failed, some times we're afraid to fail, but God is still right there , just like when Peter cried out The Lord was there, but He wanted him to have faith. I'm still learning to trust in Him all the time, I'm not perfect and I won't ever be, The Lord is still at work in you (Philippians 1:6) so keep looking up to the Cross, where He gave His life for you ( John 3:16) God has a beautiful plan (Jeremiah 29:11) just like the walls of Jericho , they'll come tumbling down :) keep trusting Him even when the walls are up , there's beauty in those pieces. 

Using one of my fave collages below :) 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Learning to let go and trust God

Today has just been an awesome day :) even through trials and tribulations, I've been going through some, and I'm thankful for them now cos I'm seeing God all the way through it. It's not always been easy cos of the lies of the enemy, saying at times nobody likes you and stuff like he always does, but i know its not true. Today at church was so beautiful, and i felt the Lord's touch and His Presence is just amazing!!! We were in the book of Jonah today, about the fish is God's Grace, Jonah ran from The Lord cos he didnt want to go to Nineveh but then after that, 

After the storm.... 

Then God said, Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee. (Jonah 3:2) 

God still has a beautiful plan beloved, don't give up, don't stop praying for someone you've been believing for, and forgive anyone you need to :) there is still Hope even in the darkest valley, night. Keep reaching out to those around you and be that Light of Christ to everyone :) sharing the Good News of the Gospel. Going back to Nineveh :).

Psalm 23 chapter :) God is always with us and loves us 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Broken into beauty

The Lord can take what's been broken and make it beautiful again (Romans 8:28,29) keep trusting in Him and in your faith along the way keep holding onto the Cross, that's where your faith needs to be is in Christ and what He's done for you. It's not gonna be easy, there will be struggles coming but you can overcome by ever placing your faith continually in Christ and the Cross, keep seeking Him (Matthew 7:7) dont rely on your own strength but fully place your trust in Him, place your faith and trust in what Christ and Him Crucified, what He did for you at Calvary, then that gives the Holy Spirit latitude to work. 

It's always so beautiful being with The Lord but sometimes I don't spend enough time with Him, it's amazing He's always there even when I fail Him, but yet He never fails, that's how awesome His love and Grace is and His Mercies are new every morning :) I face the lies of the enemy alot at times, but knowing God is there and just like the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years, she reached out in faith to Him, I'm not perfect I mess up alot, but I'm glad we have our Saviour, our High Priest. But Grace doesn't give us a license to sin! My prayed is to stay close to God as much as I can and let the things of this world go and come fully to Him with everything , and He has so much more for you than what the world has. God is still doing a work in you, put your trust in Him :) it's okay to step out on the water even if your afraid, Jesus will be there, like He was with Peter when he stepped out on the water but then fell, but when he cried out Jesus was right there, He wanted him to have faith , I'm going to do my best to keep having my faith in Him and see the good things He has in store. Don't just seek Him for what He'll do but for who He is :) Heaven is my home not this earth. 

Philippians 1:6 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Despite adversity Habakkuk has faith

Reading in Habakkuk 3:16-19 last night, it amazes me how God is always there and how much He loves us and loves the lost out there, He wants everyone to be saved, just like the Prodigal son, and returning to his father. 

Today's been a great day, although I know we don't always have easy days, sometimes I feel down at times, but The Lord is always there and I refuse to stay in that down place, and keep holding onto Jesus's hand through the storm. The devil is always a liar, go back to God's Promises :) no matter where you are on the journey and forgiveness is beautiful, it's letting go and freeing you from so much that held you back before, (Matthew chapter 6) 

One song I listened to last night was "One more river to Cross" they sing it on bro Jimmy Swaggarts channel :) and I all of sudden last night or it was during or after that song, I felt His joy begin to over take me, He's always there and there's nothing like His Presence :). Keep going on this journey, He has still so much beauty in store, 

Habakkuk 3:19 (KJV) - The LORD God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds' feet, and He will make me to walk upon my high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments. 

The Lord will always help you in the places your in, don't give up, when you feel down look up to Him again and again, run back into His arms, and if you go on the wrong path look back to Him, He'll be right there, He's always faithful to forgive, it's in ( 1st John 1:8-10 , 2:1,2 ) 

God is in that place your in, He sees your tears and loves you, give Him your pain, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness , don't let that be in you anymore, you can be free in Jesus's name :) 
The devil is a liar!! Your God's beloved Child forever, run back to the Father's arms let His love overtake you

Tina my dog got in the way but God always brings joy :) in every circumstance 
Trust in Him, keep trusting in Him
He loves you so much 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Don't worry trust in Jesus :)

No matter what you may be facing, storm, situation, God is still there, and no matter if you may feel down God is there. We had a beautiful time at church this morning and I uploaded the pics I took with this blog :) 

Jesus is holding your hand and He'll be with you through the valley, even at times when the enemy is constantly telling you lies , God is still right there just keep holding on, it's hard at times even for me at times but God has always been there. 

Lay all your burdens down at His feet, trust in Him always through this journey God has such a beautiful plan still for you, remember what Joseph went through with his brothers, he forgave his brothers and God still had a beautiful plan always for Joseph :) and He does you too! 

Seek God's Kingdom, stay focused on Jesus, look to the Cross keep your faith ever in the Cross, don't let the devil steal it away 

Matthew 6:31-34

Below is Acts 4:30-31

It doesn't matter where you are God is still there, He loves you, just lay it all down , lay back and rest in His arms , He still has more than you can imagine 
(Ephesians 3:19,20) (Philippians 1:6,4:6-8) 

Monday, June 2, 2014

He makes everything beautiful always

I closed out my blog just now so I could look up where the scripture was about the woman with the perfume at Jesus's feet and it's Luke 7:46-50, I believe it said :) 

God always does have beauty though in everything , even when we don't always understand His plans are greater than ours. 

It doesn't matter what you may be stuck in right now , God is there and just like Joseph when he was put in prison for something he didnt do, and he forgave his brothers, God was with him and so He will be always with you! He loves you , don't forget who's Child you are, you belong to God, you're always safe in His arms, 

Mary and Martha, just like them Martha was busy busy but Mary chose Jesus :) you can choose Him too, choose to come and sit at His feet and rest in Him, (1st Peter 5:5-7), (John 14:27) 

This journey is so beautiful with Him, and even through testings, trials that will come and storms but don't be afraid Jesus is right there even when it's hard to feel Him, just cry out, like Esther pleaded for her people to the king, Our King hears your cry inside , He's listening, talk to Him, you don't have to stay stuck in that situation, you can get up again and again, no matter how much the enemy knocks you down , Jesus is still there waiting, wanting you to reach out for His hand, He's always holding you no matter what the enemy says. For love, He came, God loves you. Victory is coming, it's here, keep going keep holding on :) don't let go of Jesus, He has you! 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Living Water

After the rain comes the sun, sometimes still more storms come along the way but The Lord will still be there, (Hebrews 13:5, Psalm chapter 23) 

He is that Living Water that we need always and we can always come to Him and step in that River and like Naaman at first he didnt want to but then he did

Just like scripture says in Isaiah 55:8 (KJV) - For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith The Lord. 

Keep going along the journey even if you may not understand everything that's going on at the moment, God does and He always will have something beautiful behind that storm you're facing, you can lay every burden down at the Cross, He took it all for you and loves you, even when you mess up, you can ask Him to forgive you, and He will :). 

1st John 1:8-10

1st John chapter 2 

Let Love always abide in your hearts , don't let anger or unforgiveness remain in you, release it all to The Lord, He'll make everything beautiful. 

No matter what you're facing keep trusting in The Lord, He'll see you through just like He was with David (1st Samuel 17, 1st Chronicles 11:13-15) 

The Lord will always be with you in the battle , storm and valley, you don't have to stay in the dark there and live in defeat but take up the Cross (Luke 9:23) follow after The Lord 

Look up don't stay down, The Lord is there even in the silence, His Promises are true His Promises remain, hold onto the Savior's hand, stand when it's hardest to stand, don't let go don't give in, He's got so much more in store 
You'll soon see all the reasons for everything keep praying and seeking (Matthew chapter 7)